Dr. Dave’s Continuing Education

Dr. Dave is constantly taking courses that enable him to stay up to date with advancements in general and cosmetic dental care. He takes more hours of continuing education than required because he believes in doing his best to deliver the highest quality, state of the art treatment his Dental Family.

Professional Affiliations

Continuing Education

Mini-residency in Implant Dentistry by Dr. Michael Engelman

Composites: Esthetics & Function [Bonding] by Dr. Rob Lowe

United States Dental Institute orthodontics program series

Risk Management & Record Keeping by Sylvia Karalekis, JD of Querry and Harrow

3i Advantage System for Dental Implants

Invisalign vs. Conventional Orthodontics by Dr. Marshall Olech

Oral Effects of Methamphetamine by Dr. Gary Klasser

Certificate Lumineers certification

Endodontic Update [root canals] by Dr. Brad Johnson

Invisalign Certification

Restoring Endodontically Treated Teeth by Dr. Howard Jeon

Conscious Sedation in Dentistry by Dr. Michael Silverman

Conservative Restorative Dentistry by Dr. Thomas Trinkner

Restorative Materials Selection and Procedure Considerations by Dr. Dan Nathanson

Implants vs. Conventional Dental Bridges by Luke Adas & Dr. Bob Bressman

Computers in Clinical Dentistry and Security by Dr. Pat Little

Cosmetic Pearls by Dr. Martin H. Zase

Endodontic Update [root canals] by Dr. Matt Davis

Cosmetic Team Dentistry by Dr. Debra G. Stewart

Interdisciplinary Care [coordinating treatment with dental specialists] by Dr. Steve Hart

Rehabilitative Esthetic Dentistry by Dr. Cherilyn G. Sheets

Composite Materials in Dentistry by Dr. Farracane

Esthetics, Predictable Principles & Techniques by Dr. Brian Vence

Implants and Occlusion by Dr. Anthony Lavacca

Caries Control [decay] by Dr. Steve Steinberg

Periodontal Disease and Systemic Medical Problems by Dr. Dentino of Marquette University

The Making of a Makeover Practice by Dr. Jim Fondriest

Ceramic Prosthetics by Dr. John Sorenson

Dental Mediation by Dr. Katheryn M. Dutenhaver

Prosthetic Dentistry by Dr. McGarry

Smile Design by Dr. Michael Czarkowski

Xerostomia by Dr. Ana Diaz-Arnold

Beyond Smile Design by Dr. Jeff Rouse

Dental Practice Management by Dr. John Jameson & Cathy Jameson

Implants, the Standard of Care by Arthur Curley, JD

Sleep Apnea and Dentistry by Lisa Shives, MD

Dental Technology by Dr. Larry Emmott

Fun, Easier & Productive Practice by Dr. David Ahearn

Pharmacology in Dentistry by Dr. Harold Crossley

Restorative Materials by Dr. Charles Wakefield

Occlusoguide Orthodontic Treatment by Dr. Earl Bergersen

Dental Team Management by Mary Alwan, RDH & Greg Stump

Orthodontics & Implant Usage by Dr. Bill Nickel and Dr. Bob Kaspers

Complex Restorative Dentistry by Dr. Thomas Trinkner

Computerized Dental Practice by Dr. John Flucke

Perioscopy and Conservative Periodontal Treatment by Dr. Bob Bressman

Implants and Esthetics by Dr. Sergio Rubinstein

Sleep Apnea by Dr. J. Brian Allman